Although the EU Parliament has no authority to break up firms, it has the power to exert pressure on the Commission to act. 尽管欧盟议会无权解散公司,但它有权利对欧盟委员会施加压力,促其行动。
1991-Apartheid: The South African Parliament repeals the Population Registration Act, which had required all racial classification of all South Africans at birth. 1991年的今天,种族隔离:南非国会撤销了要求对所有南非新生儿进行种族分类的《人口注册法案》。
Although it does not function like a fractious parliament in a western democracy, the NPC can act as a forum for delegates to publicise their views, mainly on economic and environmental issues. 尽管中国的全国人大不同于西方国家的议会,但它可以成为代表们发表观点的平台,主要涉及经济和环境问题。
Parliament has passed an act forbidding the killing of wild animals. 国会通过了一项禁止滥杀野生动物的法令。
Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals. 国会通过了一项法令,禁止捕杀珍稀动物。
1773-The British Parliament passes the Tea Act, designed to save the British East India Company by granting it a monopoly on the North American tea trade. 1773年的今天,英国国会通过了茶叶法,以达到垄断北美茶叶贸易从而拯救英属东印度公司的目的。
Parliament has passed an act forbidding the slaughter of animals for pleasure. 议会通过了一项禁止杀生取乐的法令。
American Revolution: The British Parliament repeals the Stamp Act, which was very unpopular in the British colonies. 1766年的今天,英国议会废除了在英属殖民地内非常不受欢迎的印花税法案。
Parliament have pass an act which make such sports illegal. 议会通过了一项法例,规定这些娱乐是非法的。
The politician made a very poor showing in Parliament during the debate on the National Labour Act. 在议会有关《国家劳工法》的辩论中,这位政客表现极为拙劣。
Bills may be presented in either the House of Commons or the House of Lords, with the exception, since the Parliament Act ( 1911), of money bills. 法令公布在下议院或上议院中,除了一个自1911年宪法以来的例外:财政法案。
The European Parliament will act in a responsible manner on the EU budget putting the interest of the European people first, as is our duty. 欧洲议会将以负责任的态度对待欧盟预算,把欧洲人民的利益放在首位,这是我们的责任。
Secondly, the European Parliament could not act as a real parliament to bear final responsibility with respect to monetary policy at present time. 目前阶段欧洲议会还不能作为一个真正意义上的议会对货币政策负最终责任;
In 2000, the Registered Designs Act was passed by the Singapore parliament, which was based on the United Kingdom Designs Act. 2000年新加坡在英国的设计登记法基础上出台了自己的设计登记法。
The widespread abuse led to the United Kingdom Parliament intervening and passing the Life Assurance Act 1774. This is still in force and is commonly known as the Gambling Act. 事态的恶性蔓延导致了英国议会对保险业的干预,英国1774年的《人寿保险法》就是在这种背景下产生的,后人熟知的关于投机的法案亦同时得以生效。